The responses to these questions were edited for length and clarity by the Georgia Decides team. Each candidate was allotted 150 words for each answer and some answers were trimmed in order to abide by that length requirement. Other edits were made to make sure readers can fully follow and understand the candidate responses.

Campaigning for: US House Georgia District 6

How does your background equip you for the job you are seeking?

As a helicopter pilot in the United States Marines and an emergency room doctor during the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve committed my entire adult life to serving my country and community. Representing the 6th District in the United States Congress is an extension of my lifelong commitment to public service. America, now more than ever, needs a doctor in Washington who can re-ignite our economy, revive our freedoms, and empower the people – not the federal government.

What role should government have in the lives of Georgians? How would you apply that philosophy to the job you are seeking?

For two years, Democrats in Washington D.C. tried to prove that more government and more spending would solve America’s problem. Today, Americans are paying the price for excessive government involvement with staggering inflation and a recession. When you find yourself in a hole, the first thing you do is stop digging.

America is at its best when government is limited. I will unapologetically work to empower small businesses and hardworking citizens by cutting regulations and reducing the size, scope, and spending habits of the federal government.

If you are elected (or re-elected), what problems will you spend the most time solving and why?

Inflation is the number one problem facing Americans. Sky high inflation is the direct result of a Democrat controlled Congress and White House that printed too much money. Americans are struggling to afford groceries and gas, and the economy is in a recession because of Democrats reckless spending. We must reduce wasteful government spending that is driving inflation and institute deregulatory and pro-growth tax policies. Together these initiatives will increase take real wages and bring stability to our economy.

Georgia is a politically diverse state. How will you work to represent Georgians whose political views differ from your own?

I went to Morehouse School of Medicine for my medical degree. Morehouse is an HBCU that is predominately Black, liberal, and female. It is not a place you’d expect a White conservative male to be elected student body president. But I was. I was elected student body president at Morehouse and selected to give the commencement address because I believe in the power of relationships, and I treat people with dignity and respect even if they disagree with me. I think those values will go a long way in representing all of Georgia’s 6th district in Congress, not just those that decide to vote for me.

Who has been the biggest influence on how you view state government and politics? What have you learned from this person?

Ronald Reagan had the famous quote, “The nine most terrifying words in the English Language are: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.” I think that appropriately sums up our current economic situation. We are in a recession with sky high inflation because Democrats and the current administration believed more government and more spending could fix America’s problems.

It is the 1970’s all over again – the beards, long hair, opioid overdoses, runaway energy costs, proxy war with Russia, hatred of the military, hatred of the police. But I’m optimistic – just like Ronald Reagan was – that our best days are still ahead of us if we get government out of the way America’s exceptionalism will truly shine.

Georgia has a lot to offer current and potential residents, but many parts of the state are becoming increasingly unaffordable. Please explain your proposed approach to address housing affordability through federal legislation and executive actions?

America doesn’t need more government to fix the affordability crisis, it needs government to get out of the way. Georgia, like the rest of America, is becoming unaffordable because of the impact of inflation and an unreliable supply chain that is driving up the cost of goods.

America must end its dependency on China for manufacturing by enhancing America’s competitiveness and reestablish a stable supply domestic energy so good paying manufacturing jobs can return to the United States.

Politics is often about compromise. How do you decide when to compromise and take small, incremental wins, and when to refuse compromise?

I am elected by the voters to represent the 6th district of Georgia, not a political party or a particular individual. Ensuring the best outcomes for the constituents of the 6th District will require working with colleagues from all walks of life. As I work for real results, I will not compromise on my core values of limited government because as government expands, liberty contracts.

There were politicians who questioned the outcomes of Georgia elections in 2018 and 2020. Do you think Georgia’s elections are secure and will you stand by the results?

Previous elections have shown that the Georgia General Assembly’s 2021 election integrity overhaul have made it easy to vote and hard to cheat in Georgia elections. I am confident this law will prove its effectiveness again in 2022.

In light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on abortion, state law and local enforcement authority will determine access to abortion. If elected, how will you use your authority in the U.S. House to influence abortion access or enforcement of abortion restrictions?

The Dobbs decision ruled Roe v. Wade as unconstitutional and restored power back to the states where it rightfully belongs. I do believe that Congress has a duty to make it safe to give birth and easy to adopt. We are morally obligated to stand up for what’s right and protect the innocent unborn from late term abortion in which a life is ended a breath away from a birth certificate.

The U.S. Congress often votes along party lines. When would you seek bipartisan action and what issues merit such consensus?

Much of the work Congress does should be bipartisan. Indeed, Congress passes many bills under suspension of the rules with near unanimous support. Issues such supporting our military, funding for infrastructure, and ensuring America’s national security should bring both sides together.