The responses to these questions were edited for length and clarity by the Georgia Decides team. Each candidate was allotted 150 words for each answer and some answers were trimmed in order to abide by that length requirement. Other edits were made to make sure readers can fully follow and understand the candidate responses.

Campaigning for: State House District 52

How does your background equip you for the job you are seeking?

I am in the DeKalb GOP, served as a delegate for the Georgia convention and work in health care.

What role should government have in the lives of Georgians? How would you apply that philosophy to the job you are seeking?

Government should have very little role in the lives of Georgians. The government is there to provide an infrastructure, but Georgians need to make decisions on their own matters such as health care, medical freedom, whether or not they want to wear a mask, parent involvement in schools and the safety of their own decisions. Government does not need to intervene in those decisions.

If you are elected (or re-elected), what problems will you spend the most time solving and why?

I will start with proper training for police and support for the police department. I will also focus on introducing legislation to roll back the millage rate.

Georgia is a politically diverse state. How will you work to represent Georgians whose political views differ from your own?

My job is to represent all of the constituents in my district. I will be a bridge and a voice for both sides.

Who has been the biggest influence on how you view state government and politics? What have you learned from this person?

Marci McCarthy (DeKalb GOP chair) has been a tremendous influence on me. I joined the DeKalb GOP in 2020 and she has taught me a lot. She is one of the reasons I am running for District 52. I learned that we need to step up and have a voice. We cannot have a voice if we do not run for local offices.

Georgia has a lot to offer current and potential residents, but many parts of the state are becoming increasingly unaffordable. Please explain your proposed approach to address housing affordability through legislation and executive actions?

I will introduce legislation to roll back the millage rate to make it more affordable for Georgians.

Politics is often about compromise. How do you decide when to compromise and take small, incremental wins, and when to refuse compromise?

When I am elected, I will always listen to both sides and form my decision after I hear all the facts. Politics is often about compromise and so is iife. I will have to hear all the information before making a compromise.

There were politicians who questioned the outcomes of Georgia elections in 2018 and 2020. Do you think Georgia’s elections are secure and will you stand by the results?

I think there are many irregularities when it comes to technology, but with that being said, there have been several steps that have been taken to ensure secure elections in Georgia this November.

In light of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on abortion, state law and local enforcement authority will determine access to abortion.

Correct, the decision is now in Georgian’s hands and I will listen to the people and what the constituents want. I will introduce legislation for education on all aspects, including birth control and mental health.

Are there any programs/legislation you’ve sponsored or created to help people with disabilities?

This is my first time running for office. I have been involved in the Junior League of Atlanta and Youth Men’s Service League and have worked with agencies that help with dementia and children with health disabilities.

Georgia closed out its budget year with a “likely record surplus, billions of dollars in federal aid and a growing economy.” Georgia spends more than half of this money on education and health care. What would you want to see in the budget in terms of spending or taxes?

I would like to see a reduction in taxes to help fight inflation. I would also like to see some of the money go into Medicaid with the understanding that goverment regulations should be limited. I would also like to see new programs introduced for mental health.

The Legislature often votes along party lines. When would you seek bipartisan action and what issues merit such consensus?

I will seek bipartisan when an issue arises that aligns with my values such as the health of women and children and the mental health to all individuals who are in need.